WeatherPlus had researched and created iGAP, a smart farming solution, suitable for enterprises,co-operatives, large-scale farming households and chains.
Based on highly accurate weather information including historical and forecasting data, IGAP’s advanced system provides warnings of natural disasters, pests, and assists farmers in designing optimal crop calendar.
Quick and easy deployment
- Provide and install weather monitoring system with 8 basic parameters: Temperature, humidity, radiation level, leaf wetness, precipitation, wind direction, wind speech and land moisture.
- Provide weather information of the sub-regions surrounding the weather stations, predict weather conditions for the next 24 hours and 6 days.
- Pest model based on temperature, humidity, leaf wetness, radiation level and precipitation for over 80 types of plants
- Web and mobile apps to manage and schedule crop productions, update digital farming journal, and source traceability of agricultural products.


Application of monitoring technology for agricultural production in Thai Nguyen province.

Application of monitoring technology to build a production model for biosafety vegetable with source traceability in Chuc Son – Chuong My, Hanoi.

Applying monitoring technology for fruit & vegetable production in Yen Chau – Son La.