Recruitment Process

Step 1: Application

Candidates interested in working at WeatherPlus can find opening vacancies at Our Job listing.

Candidates could send CV to the following address:

Title: [WeatherPlus] Position – Name

Phone Number: 0914328889


Step 2: Preliminary selection

Human resources department collects applications and conducts the screening process to select the most suitable candidate for the position and send our interview invitation.

Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted via email or phone contact.

Step 3: Test – Interview

1. Interview members
For staffs and executive positions

1 interview with recruiting department’s leader and human resources

From deputy manager and above

2 interviews 1 with recruiting corresponding department’s leader and Human Resources department, and 1 with CEO or COO

2. Test – Interview

Candidates will undertake a 30-minutre test (based on position), and interview(s) afterwards. The examination and interview paper will be archived by Human resources

Step 4: Result announcement and profile completion

Successful candidates will receive offering letter and other candidates will receive thank you letter from WeatherPlus.